apply meaning in tamil

Word: apply - The english word have 5 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of verbin english.
Meaning of apply in english - put into use, be appropriate, relevant, put substance on another, ask, request, work hard

Meanings in tamil :

pirayoki ( பிரயோகி )
chamarttan ( சமர்த்தன் )

Identical words :

applying sacred ashes - ankaniyacham ( அங்கநியாசம் )
apply for protection - atu ( அடு )
applying collyrium to the eye lashes - appiyanchanam ( அப்பியஞ்சனம் )
applying grammatical rules - eṟpuzikkotal ( ஏற்புழிக்கோடல் )
applying medicines - maruntupotutal ( மருந்துபோடுதல் )

Synonyms of apply

employ handle practice administer implement exercise execute engage utilize exploit assign bring into play bring to bear relate pertain involve connect affect refer fit regard allude appertain suit touch concern be applicable be pertinent bear upon spread cover join anoint rub smear affix paint bestow place fasten massage put on lay on claim appeal demand inquire sue requisition petition solicit put in for devote study give try address commit plug persevere sweat scratch dig dedicate direct turn concentrate bend grind throw hustle bear down buckle down knuckle down be diligent be industrious give best shot give old college try hammer away hit the ball make effort peg away pour it on pull out all stops

Antonyms of apply

ignore misuse cease mismanage neglect halt stop detach loosen deny disclaim answer
Tamil to English
English To Tamil