articulate meaning in tamil

Word: articulate - The english word have 10 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjective, verbin english.
Meaning of articulate in english - clearly, coherently spoken, say clearly, coherently, connect

Meanings in tamil :

As adjective :
uchchri ( உச்சரி )

Identical words :

articulate sounds - ulai ( உளை )
articulate sound - olivativu ( ஒலிவடிவு )
articulate imper fectly - konnu ( கொன்னு )

Synonyms of articulate

fluent expressive eloquent comprehensible definite distinct intelligible lucid meaningful understandable well-spoken utter enunciate vocalize pronounce state verbalize mouth voice talk speak sound off concatenate join couple hinge link integrate

Antonyms of articulate

inarticulate unclear unintelligible misrepresented listen bumble disconnect ask question be quiet misspeak disjoin divide
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