ascend meaning in tamil
Word: ascend - The english word have 6 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of verbin english.
Meaning of ascend in english - go up
take off escalate climb soar fly rise sprout mount float scale arise tower move updecrease slump go down descend decline drop fall
Meaning of ascend in english - go up
Meanings in tamil :
வே ன்
with all the meanings of the verb எழு
வே ன்
with all the meanings of the verb எழு
Identical words :
ascending node regarded as one of the nine planets in the form of a monstrous serpent or dragon - iraku ( இராகு )
ascending and descending nodes regarded as planets - katirppakai ( கதிர்ப்பகை )
ascending node - tamam ( தமம் )
ascending and descending nodes regarded as planets - katirppakai ( கதிர்ப்பகை )
ascending node - tamam ( தமம் )
Synonyms of ascend
Antonyms of ascend
Tamil to English
English To Tamil