bark meaning in tamil

Word: bark - The english word have 4 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of bark in english - plant covering, animal yelp, shout

Meanings in tamil :

marakkalam ( மரக்கலம் )
navay ( நாவாய் )

Identical words :

barking - kulaippu ( குலைப்பு )
bark of a tree which is used by hermits for clothing - achini ( ஆசினி )
bark of a certain tree used for clothing by ascetics and foresters - iṟainchi ( இறைஞ்சி )
bark of the inner side of the palmyra stem - unmattainar ( உண்மட்டைநார் )
bark of trees - uri ( உரி )
bark of some trees - uri ( உரி )
bark used medicinally in difficult child birth - karumarippattai ( கருமாரிப்பட்டை )
barking mouthed - kuraimukan ( குரைமுகன் )
bark of the mimosa tree - kovilampattai ( கொவிளம்பட்டை )
bark of which is used in painting - chppngki ( சப்பங்கி )
bark of the tamarind tree - charumam ( சருமம் )
bark of the feronia - tilavakam ( திலவகம் )
bark of the ferona tree - chilngkm ( சிலங்கம் )
bark of a tree used as clothing - chirai ( சீரை )

Synonyms of bark

husk crust skin case casing shell cortex coat rind peeling growl roar yap bay snarl grunt howl woof yip cry snap gnarl arf grumble mutter yell clamor bellow
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