barren meaning in tamil

Word: barren - The english word have 6 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjectivein english.
Meaning of barren in english - unable to support growth, unprofitable

Meanings in tamil :

pit ( பீட் )

Identical words :

barren wo man - pillaipeṟatamalati ( பிள்ளைபெறாதமலடி )
barren tree - avakechi ( அவகேசி )
barren cow - malattumatu ( மலட்டுமாடு )
barren land - paznilam ( பாழ்நிலம் )
barren or brackish ground - klr ( களர் )
barren tract of land - churm ( சுரம் )
barrenness - nishpalam ( நிஷ்பலம் )
barren ground - nirilanilam ( நீரிலாநிலம் )
barren and unculti vated ground - punchainilam ( பூஞ்சைநிலம் )
barren beast - mltu ( மலடு )

Synonyms of barren

desolate sterile arid parched impoverished infertile empty dry fallow waste desert depleted effete fruitless impotent unfruitful unproductive infecund unbearing uncultivable unfertile flat dull futile lackluster stale useless vain vapid profitless uninspiring

Antonyms of barren

fruitful productive damp moist wet cultivated fecund fertile filled growing useful profitable full
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