bunch meaning in tamil
Word: bunch - The english word have 5 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of bunch in english - collection of something, gather in group
bevy crowd cluster mess chunk flock number bundle batch band pile gang lot assemblage mob assortment crew stack multitude pack gathering heap bouquet thicket galaxy tuft swarm blob fascicle mass passel parcel agglomeration spray knot party oodles covey shock host troop team clump quantity shebang caboodle sheaf shooting match huddle herd congregate assembleindividual one disperse scatter spread distribute divide let go
Meaning of bunch in english - collection of something, gather in group
Meanings in tamil :
Identical words :
bunch or spike of the shrub called palma christi - amanakkukkulai ( ஆமணக்குக்குலை )
bunch of cardjans - olaikkottu ( ஓலைக்கொத்து )
bunch of flowers - manchari ( மஞ்சரி )
bunch of corn ears to adorn a house - katirkkuncham ( கதிர்க்குஞ்சம் )
bunch of unripe fruits - kaykkulai ( காய்க்குலை )
bunch or cluster of fruits - kutumpu ( குடும்பு )
bunch of berries - kulakku ( குலக்கு )
bunch of fruit - kulai ( குலை )
bunches - kulaitalla ( குலைதள்ள )
bunch of peacocks fea thers used as a fan - chmalm ( சமாலம் )
bunch of peacocks feathers used as a fan - chantaṟṟi ( சாந்தாற்றி )
bunch of peacocks feathers - tzai ( தழை )
bunch of grapes - tiratchakkulai ( திராட்சக்குலை )
bunch of cocoa nuts - tenkaykkulai ( தேங்காய்க்குலை )
bunch of flowers or fruit - patu ( படு )
bunch of cardjans - olaikkottu ( ஓலைக்கொத்து )
bunch of flowers - manchari ( மஞ்சரி )
bunch of corn ears to adorn a house - katirkkuncham ( கதிர்க்குஞ்சம் )
bunch of unripe fruits - kaykkulai ( காய்க்குலை )
bunch or cluster of fruits - kutumpu ( குடும்பு )
bunch of berries - kulakku ( குலக்கு )
bunch of fruit - kulai ( குலை )
bunches - kulaitalla ( குலைதள்ள )
bunch of peacocks fea thers used as a fan - chmalm ( சமாலம் )
bunch of peacocks feathers used as a fan - chantaṟṟi ( சாந்தாற்றி )
bunch of peacocks feathers - tzai ( தழை )
bunch of grapes - tiratchakkulai ( திராட்சக்குலை )
bunch of cocoa nuts - tenkaykkulai ( தேங்காய்க்குலை )
bunch of flowers or fruit - patu ( படு )
Synonyms of bunch
Antonyms of bunch
Tamil to English
English To Tamil