cage meaning in tamil

Word: cage - The english word have 4 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of cage in english - enclosure with bars, hold in enclosure

Meanings in tamil :

patchikkutu ( பட்சிக்கூடு )

Identical words :

cage of parrots - kilikkutu ( கிளிக்கூடு )
cage with spikes pointed inside - kilikkutu ( கிளிக்கூடு )
cage for insects - puchchikkutu ( பூச்சிக்கூடு )

Synonyms of cage

crate pen jail coop corral fold mew pound pinfold incarcerate hem envelop immure enclose imprison restrain confine impound shut up coop up close in fence in lock up

Antonyms of cage

release liberate free let go
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