canon meaning in tamil

Word: canon - The english word have 5 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of nounin english.
Meaning of canon in english - rule, edict, a body of the most important, influential or superior works in music, literature, or art

Meanings in tamil :

pattati ( பத்ததி )
ozungku ( ஒழுங்கு )
கிரி யைகளைவிதிக்குநூல்
vzi ( வழி )
choṟporul ( சொற்பொருள் )

Synonyms of canon

precept tenet formula maxim doctrine dictate table decree ordinance regulation commandment catalogue criterion yardstick roll standard dogma declaration law statute list assize principle order touchstone screed decretum oeuvre anthology library classics ana chrestomathy miscellanea analects collected works

Antonyms of canon

unbelief disorganization
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