cant meaning in tamil

Word: cant - The english word have 4 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of cant in english - hypocritical statement, jargon, lean, slant

Meanings in tamil :

machalam ( மாசாலம் )
சிணுங்கு கை

Identical words :

cant or conventional term - kuzuukkuṟi ( குழூஉக்குறி )
cantharides - ponvantu ( பொன்வண்டு )

Synonyms of cant

humbug sanctimoniousness show pretense hypocrisy insincerity pretentiousness sanctimony pomposity deceit dishonesty lip service affected piety hypocriticalness pecksniffery pharisaicalness pious platitudes sham holiness patois dialect diction language argot idiom vernacular phraseology slang vocabulary patter lingo slope bevel recline angle incline grade tilt rise list tip careen

Antonyms of cant

reality honesty sincerity frankness truthfulness openness standard
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