cape meaning in tamil

Word: cape - The english word have 4 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of nounin english.
Meaning of cape in english - promontory into water, sleeveless coat

Meanings in tamil :

talaivaṟai ( தலைவறை )

Identical words :

cape comorin - tekkanamunai ( தெக்கணமுனை )
capering - tttl ( தத்தல் )
cape comorin named after the river - tenkumari ( தென்குமரி )

Synonyms of cape

head neck point mole bill jetty peninsula headland finger beak tongue arm foreland naze ness chersonese jutty mantle shawl cope cloak wrapper cardinal poncho gabardine tippet pelisse Vandyke capote mantilla tabard dolman fichu bertha manteau mantelletta overdress paletot pelerine talma
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