childs play meaning in tamil

Word: childs play - The english word have 11 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjective, nounin english.
Meaning of childs play in english - child's play, cinch, duck soup, ease, easy, effortless, elementary, facile, facility, nothing to it, picnic, pushover, simple, snap, uncomplicated, piece of cake, informality, rudimental, walkover

Meanings in tamil :

turuturumpai ( துருதுரும்பை )
ஓர் பிள்ளைகள்விளையாட்டு

Synonyms of childs play

breeze small potatoes drop in the bucket easy thing simple matter cakewalk no sweat velvet waltz a breeze a snap cherry pie easily accomplished task easy to do kid stuff no-brainer turkey shoot simplicity nonchalance composure quickness dexterity familiarity poise efficiency flexibility aplomb fluency adroitness dispatch naturalness expertise cleverness liberty affability knack smoothness readiness expertness setup effortlessness unconstraint easygoingness unaffectedness insouciance skillfulness relaxedness smooth sailing unreservedness accessible straightforward clear obvious apparent basic evident inconsiderable light little manageable manifest mere paltry plain royal slight uninvolved yielding painless easily done no bother no problem no trouble not burdensome plain sailing simple as ABC undemanding untroublesome wieldy offhand flowing fluent running cursive underlying rudimentary elemental fundamental abecedarian basal beginning essential initial introductory meat and potatoes original prefatory preliminary primary primitive simplified ABCs foundational primo simplest simplex substratal uncomplex glib hasty adept articulate cursory deft dexterous easy as pie flip practiced proficient ready shallow slick superficial voluble fast talk bent wit aptitude propensity spontaneity competence tact proficiency address lightness turn leaning easy as ABC lark sure thing light work sucker fool stooge chump victim easy mark soft touch easy game easy pickings quiet transparent clean intelligible lucid mild self-explanatory unmistakable incomplex not difficult chickenfeed peanuts casualness unceremoniousness easiness unrestraint slip glide sweep walkaway slide cruise sally trip

Antonyms of childs play

inability disquiet furor strife turmoil unrest effort inhibition restriction difficulty uneasiness perplexity excitableness complicated unclear unintelligible ambiguous vague arduous demanding intricate uneasy exhausting trying intolerant hard obscure complex involved laborious oppressive unrelaxed impossible unpermissive unhappy unleisurely onery effortful labored additional advanced extra abstruse secondary compound confusing profound clumsiness disinclination incapacity incompetence ineptness incapability hardness drudgery convoluted exacting cluttered jumbled ornate mature older aware intelligent decorated embellished sophisticated smart on-the-ball
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