chill meaning in tamil

Word: chill - The english word have 5 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjective, noun, verbin english.
Meaning of chill in english - cold, raw, unfriendly, aloof, cold conditions, make cold, discourage

Meanings in tamil :

As noun :
jillenl ( ஜில்லெனல் )

Identical words :

As adjective :
chilly - chullituvan ( சுள்ளிடுவான் )
chilliness - chitalam ( சீதளம் )
chilling wind - kulir ( குளிர் )
chillies - tuvaiyal ( துவையல் )
chillumbrum - chitamparam ( சிதம்பரம் )
chillness - chitam ( சீதம் )

Synonyms of chill

freezing chilly icy frigid biting wintry frosty sharp brisk arctic cool bleak gelid glacial nippy discouraging solitary reserved hostile depressing dispiriting withdrawn formal dismal distant emotionless hateful indifferent standoffish stony unemotional unhappy unresponsive uncompanionable ungenial unwelcoming coldness rawness coolness iciness sharpness rigor bite frigidity gelidity crispness refrigerate freeze congeal ice air-condition dishearten dampen dismay dash deject demoralize disparage

Antonyms of chill

friendly responsive kind heated hot warm slow temperate sympathetic sociable extroverted outgoing warmth hearten incite continue encourage inspirit
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