confused meaning in tamil

Word: confused - The english word have 8 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjectivein english.
Meaning of confused in english - disoriented mentally, mixed up, disordered

Meanings in tamil :

As noun :
manṟal ( மான்றல் )
mykkm ( மயக்கம் )

Identical words :

confused noise - aravam ( அரவம் )
confused state - akulam ( ஆகுலம் )
confused in the mind - kalakkamayirukka ( கலக்கமாயிருக்க )
confused in mind - kulai ( குலை )
confused style - mayankavaittal ( மயங்கவைத்தல் )

Synonyms of confused

muddled bewildered perplexed puzzled distracted perturbed befuddled dazed disorganized thrown gone abashed addled disconcerted discombobulated stumped misled punch-drunk punchy screwy slaphappy baffled flummoxed nonplussed unscrewed unzipped flustered spaced out at a loss at sea at sixes and sevens come apart fouled up glassy-eyed not with it out to lunch shook up shot to pieces taken aback thrown off balance unglued chaotic messy involved mistaken snafu unsettled obscured jumbled misunderstood disorderly haywire miscellaneous out of order topsy-turvy untidy miscalculated blurred disarranged snarled anarchic in a muddle

Antonyms of confused

composed organized understanding methodical ordered separated systematic clear
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