each meaning in tamil

Word: each - The english word have 4 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjective, adverb, pronounin english.
Meaning of each in english - every, apiece, for one, each one

Meanings in tamil :

toṟu ( தோறு )
which with உம் subjoined signifies
இடங்கள்தோ றும்
வருஷந் தோறும்
தினம் தோறும்

Identical words :

each distributively - antanta ( அந்தந்த )
each of which contains four feet - alavativiruttam ( அளவடிவிருத்தம் )
each one - ororu ( ஓரொரு )
each person according to his own span - enchanutampu ( எண்சாணுடம்பு )
each succeeding row increasing by one subordinate square on both sides - ezukuṟṟirukkai ( எழுகூற்றிருக்கை )
each of which has a variation of time or recitative - oliyalantati ( ஒலியலந்தாதி )
each man - ovvoruvan ( ஒவ்வொருவன் )
each urging his own reasons - kuttukkuniṟka ( குத்துக்குநிற்க )
each two - kurocham ( குரோசம் )
each one singly - tanittaniye ( தனித்தனியே )
each alone - tanittaniye ( தனித்தனியே )
each one doing it - tipavali ( தீபாவளி )
each respective country - techantaram ( தேசாந்தரம் )
each composed of a distinct element - narakavattam ( நரகவட்டம் )
each raining year - navamukil ( நவமுகில் )

Synonyms of each

all any exclusive individual one by one particular personal respective separate several single specific various piece by piece without exception individually separately aside singly respectively per capita a pop a shot a throw by the per head per person per unit proportionately each and every one each other every last one one and all

Antonyms of each

Tamil to English
English To Tamil