glad meaning in tamil

Word: glad - The english word have 4 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjectivein english.
Meaning of glad in english - happy, delightful

Meanings in tamil :

chantoshankolla ( சந்தோஷங்கொள்ள )

Identical words :

As noun :
gladness - mattam ( மத்தம் )
gladness of heart - akankalippu ( அகங்களிப்பு )
glad tidings - chopanachcheyti ( சோபனச்செய்தி )
gladiatorial or gymnastic exhibitions - klri ( களரி )
gladiators - chilampakkarar ( சிலம்பக்காரர் )

Synonyms of glad

overjoyed contented pleased cheerful willing joyful cheering pleasing sparkling gay rejoicing animated beaming beautiful blithesome bright cheery exhilarated felicitous genial gleeful gratified gratifying hilarious jocund jovial joyous lighthearted merry mirthful pleasant radiant tickled tickled pink floating on air pleased as punch tickled to death up

Antonyms of glad

upset sad unhappy
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