ill meaning in tamil

Word: ill - The english word have 3 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjective, nounin english.
Meaning of ill in english - sick, bad, evil, misfortune

Meanings in tamil :

tush ( துஷ் )
a change of துர்
as துஷ்கருமம் for துர்க்கருமம்

Identical words :

As noun :
illusion - mittai ( மித்தை )
ill fame - turkkirtti ( துர்க்கீர்த்தி )
ill natured - akuni ( அகுணி )
ill bred persons - achatar ( அசடர் )
illo gicalness - aniyayam ( அநியாயம் )
illation one of the modes in logic of arriving at a conclusion - anumanam ( அனுமானம் )
ill treatment - chiṟumaṟu ( சீறுமாறு )
ill report - avakkiyati ( அவக்கியாதி )
ill report founded on truth - ampl ( அம்பல் )
ill rumor - alr ( அலர் )
ill success - piratikulam ( பிரதிகூலம் )
illecebrum brachiatum - alattuppulai ( அளத்துப்பூளை )
ill luck - pakkiyavinam ( பாக்கியவீனம் )
ill omen - tunnimittam ( துன்னிமித்தம் )
ill name - kauvai ( கௌவை )

Synonyms of ill

woozy diseased infirm ailing afflicted poorly down below par indisposed out of sorts peaked queasy rotten run-down under the weather unhealthy unwell a wreck bummed down with feeling awful feeling rotten feeling terrible got the bug laid low on sick list running temperature sick as a dog off one's feet hostile foreboding cross foul wrong unfortunate acrimonious adverse antagonistic cantankerous damaging deleterious detrimental disrespectful disturbing harmful harsh hateful hurtful ill-mannered impertinent inauspicious inimical iniquitous injurious malevolent malicious nocuous noxious ominous ruinous sinister sullen surly threatening unfavorable unfriendly ungracious unkind unlucky unpropitious unwholesome vile wicked nocent unpromising malady illness pain ailment sickness abuse misery suffering malaise affliction woe trouble disorder infirmity syndrome complaint mischief affection insult trial indisposition malice tribulation wickedness cruelty depravity damage unpleasantness injury condition destruction

Antonyms of ill

healthy good sound strong well moral honest happy happiness joy aid advantage healthiness praise friendliness thoughtfulness virtue favor improvement privilege profit prosperity good health well-being comfort cheer pleasure help blessing peace benefit kindness right fortune
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