long term meaning in tamil

Word: long term - The english word have 9 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjective, nounin english.
Meaning of long term in english - long run, lasting, overall

Meanings in tamil :

nintatavanai ( நிண்டதவணை )

Synonyms of long term

long haul whole distant future long duration long period remote future deep-rooted eternal indelible durable continuing abiding permanent stable everlasting lifelong constant continual endless forever incessant indissoluble inexhaustible old perennial perpetual unceasing undying perdurable unremitting longstanding long-term persisting in for the long haul inexpungible till the cows come home comprehensive global sweeping blanket total umbrella inclusive thorough all-embracing

Antonyms of long term

temporary ephemeral transient impermanent fleeting passing short-lived ending ceasing incomplete specific
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