magnify meaning in tamil

Word: magnify - The english word have 7 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of verbin english.
Meaning of magnify in english - enlarge, intensify, exaggerate, blow out of proportion

Meanings in tamil :

urchchitampanna ( ஊர்ச்சிதம்பண்ண )

Identical words :

magnifying or depreciating - punainturai ( புனைந்துரை )

Synonyms of magnify

aggravate deepen multiply enhance inflate heighten amplify pyramid ennoble dignify redouble distend dilate eulogize increase exalt pad boost glorify extend swell rise rouse expand augment hike sweeten bless mount aggrandize blow up build up step up hike up intensate jack up jump up run up overstate overrate color fudge dramatize overdo embellish overcharge overplay embroider overestimate overdraw overemphasize overstress make mountain of molehill

Antonyms of magnify

soften decrease lessen compress belittle condemn degrade disgrace humiliate shame castigate abridge shorten slump weaken play down reduce contract fall shrink criticize debase lower decline drop diminish miniaturize
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