admit meaning in telugu

Word: admit
Meaning of admit in english - allow entry or use, confess, acknowledge

Meanings in telugu :

angikarianchu ( అంగీకరించు )

Synonyms of admit

grant receive permit introduce sign concede accept enter take buy okay shelter harbor house bless initiate entertain let lodge suffer take in be big on give access give the nod give thumbs up let in sign off on disclose reveal affirm confirm recognize tell indicate declare approve agree talk recite own consent number bare enumerate concur acquiesce divulge relate confide accord avow expose communicate unveil narrate spill adopt tolerate yield proclaim credit uncover profess bring to light let on cop a plea go into details make known open up own up

Antonyms of admit

deny refuse disallow reject erase dispute repudiate abstain sell veto disregard ignore debar exclude oust shut confute dissent gainsay give offer disagree stop turn away dismiss expel repel conceal hide contradict invalidate disapprove misunderstand listen protest object suppress withhold disown prevent oppose decline differ argue keep secrete

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