aggregate meaning in telugu
Word: aggregate
Meaning of aggregate in english - forming a collection from separate parts, combine into a collection
cumulative corporate combined heaped composite collective collected added mixed total accumulated piled assembled amassed body bulk mixture agglomeration gross sum combination lump accumulation agglomerate conglomerate amount totality whole conglomeration assemblage quantity all the works whole ball of wax whole enchilada whole schmear whole shooting match number comeindividual uncombined part particular fraction one disperse scatter detach disconnect break up divide separateaggregationagilityagitate with any passionagitateagitatedagitatedlyagitationagonyagreeagreeable excitementagreeable toagreeableagreeablenessagreed onagreed toagreedagreeing with dietagreement in writingagreementagricultural
Meanings in telugu :
sakalamu ( సకలము )
Identical words :
aggregate of six properties - shaadgunyamu ( షాడ్గుణ్యము )
Synonyms of aggregate
Antonyms of aggregate
Related English Telugu Meaning
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