agitate meaning in telugu
Word: agitate
Meaning of agitate in english - shake physically, disturb, trouble someone
churn beat toss rock convulse rouse stir concuss work up perturb excite alarm confuse distract inflame fluster incite disconcert move examine arouse debate craze discompose ventilate disquiet bug worry ferment dispute ruffle flurry spook discuss upset unhinge argue stimulate egg on turn on bug up burn up get to make flip psychcalm lull quiet soothe tranquilize not bother appease comfort pacify reassure organize explain discourage order clarify agree go alongagitatedagitatedlyagitationagonyagreeagreeable excitementagreeable toagreeableagreeablenessagreed onagreed toagreedagreeing with dietagreement in writingagreementagriculturalagricultureah aha implying surpriseah alas an inter-jection expressive of wearinessah alas
Meanings in telugu :
taruchu ( తరుచు )
Identical words :
agitate with any passion - kalachu ( కలచు )
agitatedly - gizagiz ( గిగి )
agitatedly - gizagiz ( గిగి )
Synonyms of agitate
Antonyms of agitate
Related English Telugu Meaning
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