apathy meaning in telugu
Word: apathy
Meaning of apathy in english - uncaring attitude, lack of interest
lethargy indifference passiveness dullness coolness insensibility stoicism listlessness dispassion aloofness detachment coldness unconcern disinterest disregard unresponsiveness heedlessness lassitude insensitivity insouciance emotionlessness passivitysensitivity interest care concern feeling passion sympathyapeapertureapieceapocryphalapostropheapothecarys mortar in which drugs are rubbed withpestleapparatusapparelapparentapparentlyapparentlysort of basil with small leavesappearappearanceappeasedappeasingappellationappendageappendixappertain toappertaining to fairies
Meanings in telugu :
maandyamu ( మాంద్యము )
Synonyms of apathy
Antonyms of apathy
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