apocryphal meaning in telugu

Word: apocryphal
Meaning of apocryphal in english - questionable, fake

Meanings in telugu :

taantrikamu ( తాంత్రికము )

Synonyms of apocryphal

mythical untrue unsubstantiated inaccurate fictitious counterfeit doubtful dubious equivocal spurious unverified wrong false unauthenticated

Antonyms of apocryphal

authentic real true

Related English Telugu Meaning

apostropheapothecarys mortar in which drugs are rubbed withpestleapparatusapparelapparentapparentlyapparentlysort of basil with small leavesappearappearanceappeasedappeasingappellationappendageappendixappertain toappertaining to fairiesappertaining to farmingappertaining to goldappertaining to lexicographyappertaining to near
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