appear meaning in telugu
Word: appear
Meaning of appear in english - come into sight, seem, be obvious, clear, be published, perform
materialize emerge develop show come out surface turn up turn out occur arrive show up present loom attend recur spring expose rise arise issue check in drop in pop up crop up be present be within view blow in bob up break through breeze in clock in come forth come into view come to light make the scene pop in punch in punch the clock ring in roll in time in sound resemble have the appearance look as if look like strike one as be apparent be evident be manifest be patent be plain play enter oblige come on be created be developed be invented become available come into being come into existence come on stage make an appearance play a part present oneselfdisappear conceal hide leave abandon go miss depart be real stopappearanceappeasedappeasingappellationappendageappendixappertain toappertaining to fairiesappertaining to farmingappertaining to goldappertaining to lexicographyappertaining to nearappertaining to ones neighbourappertaining to parturitionappertaining to piligrimsappertaining to sivaappertaining to the dancingappertaining to the elementsappertaining to the kshatriya casteappertaining to the lime tree
Meanings in telugu :
subbu ( సుబ్బు )
Identical words :
appearance - vaikhari ( వైఖరి )
Synonyms of appear
Antonyms of appear
Related English Telugu Meaning
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