appertain to meaning in telugu
Word: appertain to
Meaning of appertain to in english - bear on/bear upon, concern
affect apply involve relate to belong to pertain to refer to touch upon regard answer to deal with apply to be about be applicable to be connected with be dependent upon be interdependent with be pertinent to be well taken depend upon have a bearing on have connections with have implications for have relation to have significance forunconcern be immaterial be irrelevantappertaining to fairiesappertaining to farmingappertaining to goldappertaining to lexicographyappertaining to nearappertaining to ones neighbourappertaining to parturitionappertaining to piligrimsappertaining to sivaappertaining to the dancingappertaining to the elementsappertaining to the kshatriya casteappertaining to the lime treeappertaining to the palmyraappertaining to the stonecutter tradeappertaining to the washermans casteappetiteapplaudapplauseapple of the throat
Meanings in telugu :
tagulu ( తగులు )
Synonyms of appertain to
Antonyms of appertain to
Related English Telugu Meaning
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