array meaning in telugu
Word: array
Meaning of array in english - collection, considerable group, fine clothes, arrange in collection or order, dress in fine clothes
supply pattern batch bundle cluster host design lineup display multitude bunch body throng set parade show arrangement formation exhibition disposition clump garb finery threads attire apparel rig duds getup full dress drapes garments systematize organize align methodize line up bedeck fit outfit decorate wrap tog try on turn out deck out dog out dude up fit outindividual one conceal hide disorder disorganize mix up destroy cover disrobe uncoverarrayedarrestarrivalarrivearrogancearrow headarrowarrowpinarrowsart of conjuringart of medicineartarteryartfulartfulnessarticlearticlesarticulateartificeartificer
Meanings in telugu :
vyoodhamu ( వ్యూఢము )
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