brahmin meaning in telugu

Word: brahmin
Meaning of brahmin in english - gentle, socialite

Meanings in telugu :

viprudu ( విప్రుడు )

Identical words :

brahminical thread - upavitamu ( ఉపవీతము )
brahminy - garududu ( గరుడుడు )
brahmin bachelor - batu ( బటు )
brahmin-slaying - brammet ( బ్రమ్మెత )
brahmin who conducts any part ofsacrifice - yaajakudu ( యాజకుడు )
brahminy kite - vainatēyudu ( వైనతేయుడు )
brahmin who ishouseholder - snaatakudu ( స్నాతకుడు )
brahmin is usually thus addressed byjunior - svaami ( స్వామి )

Synonyms of brahmin

elegant genteel courteous polite refined polished cultured aristocratic blue-blooded noble well-bred highborn highbred upper-class well-born patrician gentleperson debutante blueblood lace curtain member of the upper class silk stocking

Antonyms of brahmin

unsophisticated impolite uncivil unmannerly unkind odorous putrid rough unrefined rude crude troubled violent wild harsh loud sharp strong

Related English Telugu Meaning

brahminical threadbrahminy kitebrahminybraid of hairbraidbraided in chainsbraided in coilsbraidedbrainbramblebranbranch growing fromlarge branchbranch of dried thornsbranch ofbranchbranch ofriver an artificial canalbranch ofriverbranch oftree with its new sproutsbranchbranched winter cherrybrand withhot iron
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