chaste meaning in telugu

Word: chaste
Meaning of chaste in english - pure, incorrupt

Meanings in telugu :

askhalitamu ( అస్ఖలితము )

Identical words :

chaste woman - krottadi ( క్రొత్తడి )

Synonyms of chaste

subdued platonic virginal celibate unblemished austere clean continent decent decorous elegant immaculate impotent inexperienced innocent modest moral neat proper prudish quiet refined restrained simple spotless stainless unaffected undefiled unstained unsullied vestal virtuous wholesome controlled unwed monogamous intemerate

Antonyms of chaste

defiled lewd unchaste corrupt dirty

Related English Telugu Meaning

chargechariotcharitablecharitycherishingcherootchesscharmcharmingchest of drawerscharterchase awaychettychewing the cudchewings of the betel leaf which are ofred colourchick peachicken poxchicorychief manchief ofcompany
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