cheat meaning in telugu
Word: cheat
Meaning of cheat in english - person who fools others, trick, defraud, fool, frustrate, thwart
hypocrite trickster impostor rascal con artist crook swindler rogue charlatan quack decoy jockey bluff sharper shyster deceiver chiseler defrauder double-crosser fake pretender cozener enticer inveigler shark scammer double-dealer dodger masquerader confidence operator conniver chicanery trickery deception frame gyp sting hoax racket sell fix baloney rip-off imposture double-dealing plant whitewash jazz flimflam wrong deceit stunt spoof hustle humbug artifice put-on sham bill of goods con game dirty pool hanky-panky shell game snow job bunco jive hoaxing cozening bamboozlement cover up dirty trick fast one fast shuffle run around shady deal mislead fleece hoodwink delude bilk dupe victimize trim ream crib beguile skin milk screw gouge diddle shuck take finagle hose beat sucker burn short two-time bleed shaft stiff fudge rip off take in sandbag caboodle do a number on fast talk give bum steer jerk around rope in take for a ride take out pull one's leg deprive prevent baffle foil checkhonesty truthfulness reality frankness peace openness protect aid assist give help lose offer fail be honest abetcheatingcheck mating with any piece other thanpawncheck the inside of the checkcheckcheek bonecheek bonescheekcheeksmall plot infieldcheercheerfulcheerfulnesscheetahcheque onbankchequechequeredcherishcherishingcherootchesschest of drawers
Meanings in telugu :
dong ( దొంగ )
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Antonyms of cheat
Related English Telugu Meaning
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