complaint meaning in telugu
Word: complaint
Meaning of complaint in english - statement of disagreement, discontent, illness, affliction
criticism grievance objection gripe protest accusation charge trouble stink grouse expostulation dissatisfaction rap moan beef wail clamor kick cavil squawk annoyance jeremiad grumble guff reproach lament whine protestation remonstration remonstrance representation fault-finding CC plaint malady ailment sickness affection upset disease indisposition infirmity disorder conditioncompliment praise flattery exculpation happiness silence applause commendation recommendation health approval acceptance pleasure contentedness sanctioncomplaisancecomplete armycomplete knowledgecomplete triumphcompletecompleted sentencecompletedcompletelycompletenesscompletingcompletioncompliancecomplimentary giftcomplimentary presentcompliments written at the head oflettercomply withcomposecomposed of thorny stickscomposed of turmericcomposed of
Meanings in telugu :
morr ( మొర్ర )
Identical words :
complaint in writing - daakhalu ( దాఖలు )
Synonyms of complaint
Antonyms of complaint
Related English Telugu Meaning
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