crested meaning in telugu
Word: crested
Meaning of crested in english - cap, crown, peak, surmount, top
exceed finish complete beat cover clinch wrap up surpass eclipse transcend trump excel better outshine can outstrip crest best cob button down button up do to a T put the lid on top it off perfect terminate consummate fulfill climax round off put finishing touch on top off culminate come to a head be at height reach the top reach the zenith top out conquer lick subdue hurdle overpower leap negotiate throw clear defeat vault outdo vanquish overtop prevail over rise above climb face ascend scale protect tip cloak roof reinforce garnish superimpose clothe piggybackignore disregard surrender fail fall behind begin introduce start forget lose lay out dishonor fine punish initiate neglect drop plunge hit bottom give in receive give up help yield retreat harm uncover replace descend hurt reveal lowercrevicecrewcricketcrimecriminalcrimson amarnathcrimson breasted barbetcrimsoncrippledcrisis of any affaircrisiscrispnesscritical point of timecriticismcroakcrocodilecronecrooked backcrooked iron-bar used to open the gate ofpagodacrooked leg
Meanings in telugu :
saphanamu ( సఫణము )
Synonyms of crested
Antonyms of crested
Related English Telugu Meaning
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