delightful meaning in telugu
Word: delightful
Meaning of delightful in english - pleasant, charming
beautiful enjoyable satisfying alluring refreshing fascinating delectable engaging pleasing luscious amusing delicious enchanting thrilling entertaining lovely adorable agreeable ambrosial attractive cheery clever congenial darling fair gratifying heavenly ineffable lush pleasurable rapturous ravishing scrumptious yummyrepulsive unpleasant boring horrible unsavory tiring disappointing homely offensive ugly disagreeable unsatisfying bad unamusing unenjoyable unhappydeliriumdeliver to do away withdeliver to the charge of anotherdeliverdeliverancedelivered todelivereddelivering updeliveringdelldeludedeludeddeluderdelugedelusiondelusivedemanddemeanourdemesnedemigod proverbial forfierce disposition
Meanings in telugu :
ramyamu ( రమ్యము )
Synonyms of delightful
Antonyms of delightful
Related English Telugu Meaning
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