disconcert meaning in telugu
Word: disconcert
Meaning of disconcert in english - shake up, confuse
discomfit disturb unsettle perplex bewilder discombobulate puzzle perturb agitate frustrate baffle confound embarrass demoralize hinder discompose discountenance ruffle faze nonplus upset unbalance undo rattle abash disarrange fluster balk trouble bug worry foul up put off get to psych out take aback throw off balancecalm comfort quiet soothe enlighten explain aid assist permit order clarify clear up please encourage help supportdiscontentdiscord in musicdiscordance of the voicediscordantdiscourageddiscoursediscoverdiscrepancydiscretiondiscriminationdiscussdiscussiondisdaindisease amongst cattle arising from their grazing on the sprouts ofdisease called jaundicedisease called spleendisease to which children are subjectdiseasedisembarkeddisgrace
Meanings in telugu :
kalachu ( కలచు )
Synonyms of disconcert
Antonyms of disconcert
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