discourse meaning in telugu
Word: discourse
Meaning of discourse in english - dialogue, dissertation, discuss, speak about
essay rhetoric treatise communication discussion conversation speech lecture monologue huddle thesis descant converse homily verbalization monograph sermon paper speaking chat address disquisition article utterance memoir talk oration gabfest tractate comment chew expatiate modulate declaim confab develop sermonize explain enlarge debate dispute orate confer harangue expand expound remark argue elaborate perorate voice commentate dissertate dilate upon give a meetingquiet silence refrain ignore compress decrease lessen abridge keep quiet lower shrink agree go alongdiscoverdiscrepancydiscretiondiscriminationdiscussdiscussiondisdaindisease amongst cattle arising from their grazing on the sprouts ofdisease called jaundicedisease called spleendisease to which children are subjectdiseasedisembarkeddisgracedisguisedisguiseddisgust at earthly enjoymentsdisgustdisgusteddisgusting man
Meanings in telugu :
sanlaapamu ( సంలాపము )
Synonyms of discourse
Antonyms of discourse
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