dusky meaning in telugu
Word: dusky
Meaning of dusky in english - dark-hued, murky
funereal bleak brunette cheerless cloudy desolate dim dismal dull gloomy joyless obscure overcast sable shadowy shady swarthy tenebrous twilight veiled bistered caliginous adusk crepuscular dark-complexioned darkish lightless twilitbright cleardust in the balancedust made by insectsdust with which boxers cover the flodustduty of the reciter of the rig-veda atsacrificeduty ofmilitary mandutydwaita sect of vishnu worshippers who adore hanuman as the one god and look upon vyasa as their prophetdwarfdwarfeddwarfishdwelldwellerdwelling in heaven with goddwelling indwelling placedwelling-housedwellingdyedyeing with colour
Meanings in telugu :
kappiri ( కప్పిరి )
Synonyms of dusky
Antonyms of dusky
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