earning meaning in telugu
Word: earning
Meaning of earning in english - make money, deserve a reward
bring in draw derive secure get receive win acquire obtain pick up collect score gain reap realize gross perform rate pull profit clear gather sock procure snag turn effect consummate attain cop net wrangle hustle pull down be gainfully employed be in line for bring home bring home the bacon bring home the groceries clean up make fast buck make it big scare up scrape together pay one's dues warrant merit bag harvest come by be entitled toforfeit surrender dissuade give in lose fail miss pass yield discourage spend neglect costearningsearringearringtireears of corn that drop down whencrop is harvestedearsearthearthen cover forpotearthen dishearthen panearthen platter used ascoverearthen potearthen vaseearthen vessel to roast grain inearthen vesselearthern cover overpotearthern potearthly tiesearthlyearthwormease
Meanings in telugu :
sampaadanamu ( సంపాదనము )
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