encouragement meaning in telugu
Word: encouragement
Meaning of encouragement in english - help, support
faith confidence optimism backing assistance comfort incentive stimulation stimulus cheer relief consolation fortitude reward inspiration advance incitement softening easement supporting refreshment advocacy favor succor helpfulness urging aid promotion trust boost animation hope firmness enlivening reassurance invigoration consoling inspiritment reassuring relieving shot in the armdistrust doubt hindrance hurt injury impediment disbelief denunciation derision deterrent gloom annoyanceend ofclothend ofsugar-caneend ofwomans garmentendendasstormendeavourendeavouringendedending of the fourth case in gramendingendlessendowed withendurableendurance patienceenduranceendureenduring manenemyenemys sideenergy
Meanings in telugu :
prōtsaahamu ( ప్రోత్సాహము )
Synonyms of encouragement
Antonyms of encouragement
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