epithet of kubera the god of riches meaning in telugu
Word: epithet of kubera the god of riches
epithet of kāliepithet of parvatiepithet of sarasvatiepithet of sivaepithet of sātyakiepithet of the bow of sivaepithet of the god indraepithet of the god of fireepithet of the moonepithet of the sage agastyaepithet of the sage gautamaepithet of the sage vyāsaepithet of vishnus discusepithet of vishṇuepithet ofepochequableequal to fiveequal to one thirtieth oftolaequal to that of ten pagodas
Meanings in telugu :
paulastyudu ( పౌలస్త్యుడు )
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