equitable meaning in telugu

Word: equitable
Meaning of equitable in english - impartial

Meanings in telugu :

praamaanikamu ( ప్రామాణికము )

Synonyms of equitable

fair decent honest unbiased reasonable stable proper just candid disinterested dispassionate due ethical even-handed fair and square impersonal level moral nonpartisan objective proportionate right rightful unprejudiced fair shake cricket even-steven fair-to-middling nondiscriminatory square deal

Antonyms of equitable

biased unsuitable intolerable disproportionate unfair unjust prejudiced unreasonable partial

Related English Telugu Meaning

equityequivalent to doctorequivalenteraeradicationerase to drawlineeraseerased wantingerect oneselferecterrerroneouserroreructationescaladeesculent root calledesculent rootesculent white water lilyespecially applied to the fœcesespecially as an attribute of supernatural power
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