equivalent meaning in telugu

Word: equivalent
Meaning of equivalent in english - same, similar, equal, counterpart

Meanings in telugu :

pratinidhi ( ప్రతినిధి )

Identical words :

equivalent to doctor - bhattaachaari ( భట్టాచారి )

Synonyms of equivalent

identical comparable corresponding proportionate tantamount commensurate even agnate correspondent like reciprocal duplicate correlative carbon convertible copy parallel substitute ditto akin alike analogous homologous indistinguishable interchangeable synonymous of a kind same difference opposite obverse twin peer match carbon copy dead ringer

Antonyms of equivalent

dissimilar opposite unlike changeable different unequal mismatched

Related English Telugu Meaning

eraeradicationerase to drawlineeraseerased wantingerect oneselferecterrerroneouserroreructationescaladeesculent root calledesculent rootesculent white water lilyespecially applied to the fœcesespecially as an attribute of supernatural powerespecially fespecially of loversespecially of the sacred books
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