era meaning in telugu
Word: era
Meaning of era in english - time period in history
term generation age cycle day stage date epoch eon dayseradicationerase to drawlineeraseerased wantingerect oneselferecterrerroneouserroreructationescaladeesculent root calledesculent rootesculent white water lilyespecially applied to the fœcesespecially as an attribute of supernatural powerespecially fespecially of loversespecially of the sacred booksespecially of the seeds of the
Meanings in telugu :
shakamu ( శకము )
Identical words :
As noun :
eradication - utpaatanamu ( ఉత్పాటనము )
eradication - utpaatanamu ( ఉత్పాటనము )
erase to drawline - gichu ( గీచు )
erased wanting - viluptamu ( విలుప్తము )
erased wanting - viluptamu ( విలుప్తము )
Synonyms of era
Related English Telugu Meaning
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