erase meaning in telugu

Word: erase
Meaning of erase in english - remove, rub out

Meanings in telugu :

giku ( గీకు )

Identical words :

erase to drawline - gichu ( గీచు )
erased wanting - viluptamu ( విలుప్తము )

Synonyms of erase

wipe out expunge obliterate abolish eliminate negate delete efface trim cut excise blank dispatch nullify strike blot kill extirpate withdraw gut cancel launder annul black out cut out stamp out strike out X-out blue pencil cross out disannul scratch out

Antonyms of erase

create construct ratify validate permit insert build lose keep retain allow add

Related English Telugu Meaning

erased wantingerect oneselferecterrerroneouserroreructationescaladeesculent root calledesculent rootesculent white water lilyespecially applied to the fœcesespecially as an attribute of supernatural powerespecially fespecially of loversespecially of the sacred booksespecially of the seeds of theespecially the mounds of earth thrown up by the white antespeciallyespionage
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