err meaning in telugu

Word: err
Meaning of err in english - make a mistake, do wrong

Meanings in telugu :

samasthaanamu ( సమస్థానము )

Identical words :

As adjective :
erroneous - tappu ( తప్పు )
error - vibhramamu ( విభ్రమము )

Synonyms of err

stumble misbehave stray miscalculate blow goof deviate lapse flub muff snafu blunder trespass misjudge misapprehend fall offend sin wander foul up mess up screw up louse up bollix transgress be in error be inaccurate be incorrect be mistaken boo-boo drop the ball go astray go wrong make a mess of slip up

Antonyms of err

obey stay understand behave

Related English Telugu Meaning

erroneouserroreructationescaladeesculent root calledesculent rootesculent white water lilyespecially applied to the fœcesespecially as an attribute of supernatural powerespecially fespecially of loversespecially of the sacred booksespecially of the seeds of theespecially the mounds of earth thrown up by the white antespeciallyespionageessence of anythingessenceessencesessential
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