erroneous meaning in telugu

Word: erroneous
Meaning of erroneous in english - wrong, incorrect

Meanings in telugu :

tappu ( తప్పు )

Synonyms of erroneous

untrue inaccurate spurious specious mistaken unsound invalid faulty misguided unfounded amiss askew awry defective fallacious inexact off false flawed all off all wet way off

Antonyms of erroneous

honest real valid true accurate correct genuine precise right substantiated just sound strong

Related English Telugu Meaning

erroreructationescaladeesculent root calledesculent rootesculent white water lilyespecially applied to the fœcesespecially as an attribute of supernatural powerespecially fespecially of loversespecially of the sacred booksespecially of the seeds of theespecially the mounds of earth thrown up by the white antespeciallyespionageessence of anythingessenceessencesessentialestablish
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