establish meaning in telugu

Word: establish
Meaning of establish in english - set up, organize, authenticate, demonstrate

Meanings in telugu :

taapianchu ( తాపించు )

Identical words :

established custom - maamoolu ( మామూలు )
establishing - sansthaapanamu ( సంస్థాపనము )

Synonyms of establish

authorize settle form provide create start base build install put found inaugurate institute enact secure constitute inculcate station ground decree fix erect live moor lodge implant entrench practice stick land stabilize endow originate place ensconce root domiciliate rivet lay foundation ring in set down start ball rolling prove formulate ratify make confirm determine legislate verify certify predicate show substantiate learn prescribe discover rest stay corroborate ascertain validate find out make out disambiguate

Antonyms of establish

destroy ruin prevent loosen refuse disarrange disorganize unsettle cease dislodge disorder invalidate disprove remove take end stop lose let go unfasten displace change neglect unfix forget disestablish confuse deny disallow renounce veto contradict reject fail discredit

Related English Telugu Meaning

established customestablishingestateesteemestimate of the seed sown infieldestimateestimationestrangementetcetceteraeternal blisseternal happinesseternaleternallyetheretherealetherealityetymologyeugeniaeulogium
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