exorbitant meaning in telugu

Word: exorbitant
Meaning of exorbitant in english - extravagant, excessive

Meanings in telugu :

amitamu ( అమితము )

Identical words :

Synonyms of exorbitant

unwarranted enormous inordinate unreasonable outrageous unconscionable steep dear exacting expensive extortionate extreme high highway robbery immoderate out of sight overmuch preposterous stiff towering undue wasteful pricey absonant overboard up to here

Antonyms of exorbitant

warranted sensible inexpensive reasonable moderate cheap good mild

Related English Telugu Meaning

exordiumexpandexpanded blownexpandedexpandingexpanseexpansionexpatriationexpectexpectantexpectationexpected serviceexpectorateexpedientexpeditionexpelledexpellingexpenditureexpenseexperience
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