extremely meaning in telugu
Word: extremely
Meaning of extremely in english - greatly, intensely
utterly awfully excessively remarkably unduly overly too acutely very uncommonly quite highly totally severely exceptionally extraordinarily terribly exceedingly unusually almighty markedly mortally notably plenty powerful radically rarely too much ultra violently overmuch parlous terrifically immensely strikingly hugely inordinately drastically exorbitantly immoderately prohibitively surpassingly to nth degreeincompletely little mildlyextremityexudeexudingexultaionexultationeye glasseseye withnesseye-broweye-lideyeeyeballeyefootedeyelideyelids in winkingeyeseyesalveeṛuditionfabled residence of kubera and the heaven of sivafabricatedfabrication
Meanings in telugu :
nitaantamu ( నితాంతము )
Synonyms of extremely
Antonyms of extremely
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