fag end meaning in telugu
Word: fag end
Meaning of fag end in english - butt, tail, tail end
handle shank bottom extremity tip stub edge base fundament foot stump stock haft hilt rear end buttocks reverse train behind appendage posterior tag tush rump conclusion rudder tailpiece empennage caudal appendage hind end hind part hindmost part last part tag endtop commencement beginning start frontfailfailingfailure in mercantile profitsfailure of rainfailure of the voice from dryness of the throatfailurefaintfaintingfaintnessfair complexionfair girlfair tressesa poetical phrase ffairfairyfaithfaithful wifefaithfulfaithfulness inwifefaithfulness tohusbandfaithless wife
Meanings in telugu :
badde ( బద్దె )
Synonyms of fag end
Antonyms of fag end
Related English Telugu Meaning
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