failing meaning in telugu
Word: failing
Meaning of failing in english - not well, weak, lapse, shortcoming
scanty shy faint defeated wanting deficient feeble inadequate insufficient scarce unavailing unsuccessful vain declining unprosperous unsufficient unthriving flaw failure weakness defect foible deficiency drawback error frailty fault imperfection miscarriage misfortune infirmity vice blind spotadequate enough sufficient healthy OK thriving rebounding strong well perfection advantage strong point strengthfailure in mercantile profitsfailure of rainfailure of the voice from dryness of the throatfailurefaintfaintingfaintnessfair complexionfair girlfair tressesa poetical phrase ffairfairyfaithfaithful wifefaithfulfaithfulness inwifefaithfulness tohusbandfaithless wifefalconfalconer
Meanings in telugu :
chhadmamu ( ఛద్మము )
Synonyms of failing
Antonyms of failing
Related English Telugu Meaning
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