festivity meaning in telugu

Word: festivity
Meaning of festivity in english - celebration, revelry

Meanings in telugu :

ravamu ( రవము )

Synonyms of festivity

festival hoopla bash gaiety joviality sport levity happiness carousal jamboree merrymaking amusement party hilarity do blowout pleasure merriment conviviality joyfulness entertainment shindig jollity fun mirth whoopee clambake fun and games reveling revelment

Antonyms of festivity

sadness sorrow unhappiness work seriousness depression gloom misery

Related English Telugu Meaning

festoon of leavesfetterfeudatory princefever in an elephantfever of grieffeverfeverish from heatfeverishnessfewfiatfibfibre of plantsfibre oftreefibrefibresfibrous bark of treesfibrous network slingfibrous root oflotusfibrous stick used asbrushfibrous stick
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